A private Consortium designed to support professional consulting services.
Our Mission is to promote quality and ethical delivery of consulting services through training, qualifying, and sharing best practices with our members.”
Our Vision is to provide resources that will assist potential clients to obtain qualified and ethical consulting services. Through our network of professional members, we will strive to provide direction and resources to assist in finding the right fit for the right client.
The Intent of this consortium is to highlight Industry Professionals and Resources with their vetted qualifications so that the client is able to make an informed decision. As part of our mission, we will also provide a venue for clients to exchange in productive feedback for the professional development of our members.
Please Read: Not All Consultants Are Created Equal
by Dr. Jose Otero, November 9, 2021
Application for Membership to this consortium is now open. We have begun to receive many inquiries and will notify applicants in the order in which they applied. We appreciate your patience and hope you are as excited as we are to usher in a new level of ethical service and accountability for consulting related professionals.
Please Note: we reserve the right to refuse membership when the applicant or organization does not properly represent our intended values for ethical consulting.